Huang, Yong
Ocean Circulation Group,
Marine Science Laboratory 136D
Phone: (1)-727-553-1627
Eng. D. (Doctor of
Engineering), 2008, Environmental Sciences
M.S.E. (Master of Science in
Engineering), 2005, Harbor, Coastal
& Offshore Engineering
B.E. (Bachelor of
Engineering), 2002, Bridge & Highway
Department of Civil Engineering, Shandong Institute of Architecture and
Engineering, Ji'nan, P. R. China
2012.10---present (Research
(1) Experimental wind-waves forecast system (SWAN);
(2) High resolution wind-wave hindcast system and long-term (decades) wind-wave hindcast products (SWAN/WAVEWATCH-III);
(3) Unstructured wave-current interaction model (FVCOM + SWAN) for near-shore storm surge numerical simulations
(1) Experimental wind-waves forecast system (SWAN);
(2) Unstructured wave-current interaction model (FVCOM + SWAN) for near-shore storm surge numerical simulations
2005.07---2008.09 (Doctor):
Evolvements of Wave Climate in East China Sea and its Responses to Global Climate Changing (WAVEWATCH-III)
2002.09---2005.07 (Master):
Construction of Numerical Models for River Dynamics Analyses and Flood Prediction
(Self-designed model)
Language: Chinese
(native); English (TOEFL: 590, 2004)
Numerical models:
Operation Systems:
Windows; Unix/Linux
Computation Environment: OpenMP; MPI
skills: Unix/Linux Shell Scripts; Fortran77/90/95; C/C++; Matlab; Html; Java
Graphical Display
Skills: Matlab(scripts); Tecplot; Surfer; GrADS; etc.
Management: netCDF; Grib; etc.
Research Associate, 2012.10-present
Marine Science
wave-current coupling model
-Long-term high resolution wind-wave hindcast products (SWAN)
Post-doc, 2008.10-2012.10
Marine Science
-Assisted Dr.
Weisburg on the researches of storm surge related costal hazards
-Storm surge
models (FVCOM + SWAN coupling)
wind-wave forecast system (SWAN)
-High resolution wind-wave hindcast system and long-term (decades)
wind-wave hindcast products (SWAN/WAVEWATCH-III)
Temporary Research
Assistant, 2008.07-2008.09
Key Laboratory of
Ocean Circulation and Wave, IOCAS
-Assisted Dr. Yin
Baoshu on the
Simulation; Data Analysis; Writing Research Reports
Graduate Research Assistant, 2005.12-2008.07
Key Laboratory of
Ocean Circulation and Wave, IOCAS
-Assisted Dr. Yin
Baoshu on the
Simulation; Data Analysis; Writing Research Reports
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2004-2005
wind-wave forecast system
High resolution
wave hindcast system and long-term (decades) hindcast products (data assimilation)
Numerical models
of ocean waves and circulation (esp. the Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean coupled
Mechanism of
Waves-Currents interactions and its contribution to ocean models
Mechanism of
Air-Sea interactions under high sea states
Near shore
circulation and associated dynamical processes
Evolvements of local climate and its responses to global climate variations
2007 Excellent Student of Graduate
University of Chinese
2007 Outstanding Student of Graduate
University of Chinese
2006 Outstanding Student Leaders of
Graduate University of Chinese
2006 Outstanding Student of Graduate
University of Chinese
2005-2008 Graduate Fellowship of
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2012 Fall Meeting, December
3-7, 2012, Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, USA.
2010 The Fourth Annual SouthEast
Coastal Oceanography and Meteorology (SECOM) Conference, May 27, 2010, Florida State
University's (FSU) Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS),
Tallahassee, Florida, USA.
2010 SECOORA Annual Membership
Meeting, May 11-13,
2010, Hilton Savannah Desoto, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
2009 MABPOM_SECOM 2009, August 17-18, 2009, Department of
Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
2009 Second Annual Workshop of the
SECOORA Storm Surge and Inundation Model Testbed, May 5-6, 2009, UF Hilton Hotel, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
2009 University of South Florida,
Hurricane Surge Workshop, February 11-12, 2009, Tradewinds Resort Hotel (Island Grand), St. Pete
Beach, Florida, USA.
2007 International Workshop on Marine Physical Variations in
2006 Chinese Academy of Sciences Conference on
Marine Science and Technology, July 28-30, 2006 Qingdao, P.
R. China
PEER-REVIEWER (Since 2010)
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
American Geophysical Union - Books
Estuarine, Coastal
and Shelf Science
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans
Y., R. H. Weisberg, L.
Zheng and M. Zijlema (2013), Gulf of Mexico hurricane wave simulations using
SWAN: Bulk formula based drag coefficient sensitivity for Hurricane Ike. J. Geophys. Res., 2012JC008451, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20283.
Zheng, L, R.H.
Weisberg, Y. Huang, R.A.
Luettich, J.J. Westerink, P.C. Kerr, A. Donahue, G. Crane, and L. Akli (2013), Implications from Comparisons Two and
Three Dimensional Model Simulations for the Storm Surge of Hurricane Ike. J.
Geophys. Res., 2013JC008861, doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20248.
Kerr P.C., A. S.
Donahue, J. J. Westerink, R. A. Luettich Jr., L. Y. Zheng, R. H. Weisberg, H.
V. Wang, D. N. Slinn, J. R. Davis, Y.
Huang, Y. Teng, D. Forrest, A. T. Haase, A. Kramer, J. R. Rhome, J.
Feyen, R. P.Signell, J. Hanson, A. Taylor, M. E. Hope, R. Estes, R.Dunbar, L.
Semeraro, H. J. Westerink, A. Kennedy, J. M. Smith, M. D. Powell, V.J. Cardone,
A. T. Cox (2013), "SURA-IOOS Coastal
Inundation Testbed, Gulf of Mexico Inter-Model Comparison: Tidal, Wind, Wave
and Surge simulation for Hurricanes Rita and Ike". J. Geophys. Res., 2013JC008940, under revision.
Y., R. H. Weisberg, and
L. Zheng (2010), Coupling of surge and waves for an Ivan-like hurricane
impacting the Tampa Bay, Florida region, J. Geophys. Res., 115, C12009,
Baoshu Yin,
Zhenhua Xu, Yong Huang, Xiang
Lin (2009), Simulating a typhoon storm surge in the East Sea of China using a
coupled model, Progress in Natural
Science, Volume 19, Issue 1, 10 January 2009, Pages 65-71, ISSN 1002-0071,
DOI: 10.1016/j.pnsc.2008.05.023.
Huang, Y., B. Yin, W. Perrie, and Y.
Hou (2008), Responses of summertime extreme wave heights to local climate
variations in the East China Sea, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C09031,
Baoshu, Huang Yong, Lin
Xiang, Hou Yijun, Yang Dezhou (2007), The importance of wave-tide-surge
interactions to coastal material transport and diffusion, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, Vol.25 No. 1, P.
Yu-wei, JIAO Zhi-yang (2004) The Demonstration and Application of A
Mathematical Model of Unsteady flow in Natural Channels, Marine Sciences, Vol. 28, No.7, P. 4-6. (Chinese)
Last updated on 06/10/2013