Zhu, J., R.H. Weisberg, L.Y. Zheng, and H. Qi, (2015). On the salt balance of Tampa Bay.
Continental Shelf Research, 107: 115-131,doi:10.1016/j.csr.2015.07.001.
Pan, C., L.Y. Zheng, R.H. Weisberg, Y. Liu, and C. Lembka, (2014). Comparisons of different ensemble schemes
for glider data assimilation on west Florida shelf. Ocean Modelling, 81: 13-24,doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.06.005.
Zhu, J., Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, and S. Han, (2014). On the Flushing of Tampa Bay.
Estuaries and Coasts,doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9793-6.
Zhu, J., Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, and S. Han, (2014). Influences of Channel Deeping and Widening on the
Tidal and Non-Tidal Circulations of Tampa Bay. Estuaries and Coasts,doi:10.1007/s12237-014-9815-4.
Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, and E. Peebles, (2014). Gap Grouper larvae pathways on the west Florida shelf.
Continental Shelf Research, 88: 11-23,doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.06.003.
Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, Y. Liu, S. Murawski, C. Hu, and J. Paul, (2014). Did Deepwater Horizon
hydrocarbons transit to the west Florida continental shelf? Deep-Sea Research, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.02.002.
Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, Y. Liu, C. Lembke, J.M. Lenes, and Walsh, J.J., (2014). Why a red tide was not
observed on the West Florida Continental Shelf in 2010. Harmful Algae, 38: 119-126, doi:10.1016/j.hal.2014.04.010.
Y. Huang, R.H. Weisberg, L.Y. Zheng, and M. Zijlema, (2013). Gulf of Mexico hurricane wave
simulations using SWAN: Bulk formula-based coefficient sensitivity for Hurricane Ike.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 118:
1-23, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20283.
L.Y. Zheng, R.H. Weisberg, Y. Huang, R. A. Luettich, J. J. Westerink, P. C. Kerr, A. Donahue,
G. Crane, and L. Akli, (2013). Implications from the comparisons between two- and three-dimensional
model simulations of the Hurricane Ike storm surge. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118:
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L.Y. Zheng and R.H. Weisberg, (2012), Modeling the west Florida coastal ocean by
downscaling from the deep ocean, across the continental shelf and into the estuaries.
Ocean Modelling, 48: 10-29, doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2012.02.002.
Huang, Y., R.H. Weisberg, and L.Y. Zheng, (2010), Coupling of surge and waves for
an Ivan-like hurricane impacting the Tampa Bay, Florida region. Journal of Geophysical Research,
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L.Y. Zheng and R.H. Weisberg, (2010),
Rookery Bay and Naples Bay circulation simulations: applications to tides and fresh water inflow regulation,
Ecological Modelling, 221: 986-996, doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.01.24.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2008),
Hurricane storm surge simulations comparing three-dimensional with two-dimensional formulations based on an
Ivan-like storm over the Tampa Bay, Florida region,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 113(C12001):doi:10.1029/2008JC005115.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2006),
A simulation of the hurricane Charley storm surge and its breach of North Captiva Island,
Florida Scientist, 69(S2): 152-165.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2006),
Hurricane storm surge simulation for Tampa Bay,
Estuaries and Coasts, 29(6A): 899-913.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2006),
Circulation of Tampa Bay driven by buoyancy, tides, and winds, as simulated using a finite volume coastal ocean
model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 111(C01005): doi:10.1029/2005JC003067.
Zheng, L.Y. and R.H. Weisberg, (2004),
Tide, bouyancy, and wind-driven circulation of the Charlotte Harbor estuary: A model study,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(C06011): doi:10.1029/2003JC001996.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2003),
How estuaries work: A Charlotte Harbor example,
Journal of Marine Science, 61: 635-657.
Zheng, L.Y., C.S. Chen, and F.Y. Zhang, (2004),
Development of water quality model in the Satilla River estuary, Georgia,
Ecological Modelling, 178: 457-482.
Chen, C.S., J.R. Zhu, L.Y. Zheng, E. Ralph, and J.W. Budd, (2004),
A non-orthogonal primitive equation coastal ocean circulation model: Application to Lake
Journal of Great Lakes Research, 30: 41-54.
Zheng, L.Y., C.S. Chen, M. Alber, and H.D. Liu, (2003),
A modeling study of the Satilla River estuary, Georgia, part II: Suspended sediment,
Estuaries, 26: 670-679.
Zheng, L.Y., C.S. Chen, and H.D. Liu, (2003),
A modeling study of the Satilla River estuary, Georgia, part I: Flooding/drying
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Zheng, L.Y. and C.S. Chen, (2000), A 3D modeling study of the estuarine system: An applcation to the
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Chen, C.S., R.B. Ji, L.Y. Zheng, M.Y. Zhu, and M. Rawson, (1999),
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Zheng, L.Y., Y.L. Sun, and Y.T. Guo, (1994), A 3-D model for oil concentration prediction,
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Zheng, L.Y., (1992), Numerical simulation of three-dimensional tide-induced Lagrangian residual velocity
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Non-referred Publications
Rubec, P.J., J. Lewis, D. Reed, C.F. Ashbaugh, C. Lashley, S. Versaggi, R.H. Weisberg, L.Y. Zheng, R.Y. He, and C.
Jenkins, (2005), Refinement of an electronic logbook to support fishing operations by spatially predicting shrimp abundance in relation
to environmental conditions off the west coast of Florida.
Weisberg, R.H., L.Y. Zheng, and R.Y. He, (2005),
Modeling the west Florida continental shelf in support of shrimp fisheries.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2007),
Estuarine hydrodynamic modeling of Rookery Bay.
Weisberg, R.H. and L.Y. Zheng, (2008),
Flushing study for Snug Harbor, Tampa Bay.